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Understanding Retractables or SRL's

A Self-Retracting Lifeline, or SRL, is a device that contains a spring loaded retracting web or cable lanyard wound around an internal drum. Using centrifugal force, the SRL automatically locks as the worker reaching a rate of speed or decent in a fall.  Once the appropriate rate of decent is reached, the SRL will arrest the fall of the worker.

Types of SRL's

Class A


• Maximum arresting distance not to exceed 24”.

• Average arresting force not to exceed 1,350 pounds or have a maximum peak of 1,800 pounds.

• After environmental conditioning (hot, cold, wet), average arresting force not to exceed 1,575 pounds or a maximum peak of 1,800 pounds.


Class B


• Maximum arresting distance not to exceed 54”.

• Average arresting force not to exceed 900 pounds or have a maximum peak of 1,800 pounds

• After environmental conditioning (hot, cold, wet), average arresting force not to exceed 1,125 pounds or a maximum peak of 1,800 pounds.

SRL's, while allow for greater mobility when performing work, however they have a few drawbacks.  

Swing Falls

A swing fall occurs when an anchorage point is not directly overhead of a worker.  While the device with stop the fall, it will not eliminate the risk of a swing fall.  Think of Tarzan on a jungle vine or riding a swing.  The reality is the greater the distance you are away from being perpendicular with your anchor point, the great the swing fall hazard.   This potentially puts other obstacles, walls, or objects in the path for the worker to collide with.


To avoid swing falls, always stay in the safe zone, which is within 30 degrees of your anchor point, 15 on each side.   Swing falls can be avoided by using mobile anchorage points which will travel with the worker, or using a horizontal lifeline that your SRL is connected to.  To find out more, call us at 

Leading Edge

Most SRLs are designed only to be mounted above the user. For cases where this is not possible, specially designed Foot Level or Leading Edge SRLs are required.  These SRL's are classified by ANSI as SRL-LE devices. These SRL's are designed to be specifically used if a worker is at risk of fall over an edge of a structure, roof, steel I-beam etc., and the line of the SRL would come into contact with the edge during the arrest of a fall.  In addition, these SRL's are designed to absorb the increase of energy when the anchorage connection is at or near the workers feet.  ALWAYS refer to the user manual before use and ask your supplier for a declaration of conformity report which means verification that the product performs to a specific standard or use.  In this case, Leading Edge.  Call Advanced Safety Solutions for more information or questions.

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